Saturday, May 21, 2011


I know that we hardly ever update the blog, but there really isn't too much to say. One bit of good news that everyone probably already knows is it our online profile is posted. It is on Gladney's website and parent profiles. Other than that, not much has changed. We are just tring to wait patiently on God's timing. I know that many of you are praying for us and the adoption, and I want to thank you for that. Please continue to be praying for us.
If you know me at all, then you know that I hate to talk about this. But, Kristin and I are trying to come up with some fundraising ideas. I did pick up a "second" job working a couple nights a week at the Soccerplex. If you have any fundraising ideas or extra cash weighing you down, let us know.

Praying we have good news soon,


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Our Awesome Friends

Just wanted to tell everyone about some Awesome friends of ours. Danielle, Mark, Tyler, and Jordan are having a fundraiser party tonight at their house. They are having what looks like really yummy food (I love picture messaging) and games. Tyler our 4 year old nephew was busy this morning blowing up balloons and I suspect he may have played with them too:) We are so thankful to God once again for the great friends he has placed in our lives.

I know I have said this before but how awesome it will be to tell our child all the love that people put into helping us bring them home! I know it will be a challenge to explain why we had to pay so much money but what a great way to explain that everyone loves them so much that they wanted to help.

I will update how it went although I know it will be great!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Online Profile

I finally submitted our stuff for the online profile. It should take about 30 days or so to get it posted. When it is I will post on here if anyone would like to go to Gladney site or parent to see it.

No showings of the profile yet. Sounds like we are trying to sell a house. Guess I have that on my mind since several of our friends are trying to sell their houses. Please pray for them since it is not the easiest time in the economy to sell a house. They are friends who have supported us so much throughout this whole process! Their names are Fran and Dan also Jason and Janet.

Last little tidbit Gladney recieved the check from the ABBA fund so we are $5000.00 closer to paying for the adoption! The other cool things was that the check was written on Valentine's day:)


Thursday, February 3, 2011


Just wanted to update that we heard from the ABBA fund and we were blessed with a no interest loan that is a huge help toward the cost of the adoption. We still need to raise some more but what an awesome gift just another in the list of God's provision.


Well as usual it has been a long time since I have posted. We moved out of the house we were in on Mon and are "crashing" at mom's until we found a place. Renting is out of sight now so we wanted more time to look.
On the adoption front nothing much is going on. Our profile is in but has not been shown yet.
This wait has so far been the easiest because there is nothing more that we can do. Just turn it over to God. Since he has been so awesome providing and guiding through this whole crazy journey that is something that we can do!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Nothing to report.

We really have nothing to report our profile has not been shown at this point. We don't fit what the birthparents are looking for but there are upcoming birthparents that will be looking soon.
We are totally fine with that. We know that God has our baby already chosen and will bring them to us in his perfect timing.
So far this wait has been the easiest because there is nothing more that we can do it is completly in God's hands now and that is a relief!
Looking forward and so excited to go to PA for Christmas and to FINALLY meet our neice Ava!! Also to see Mike and Ali (Chris's brother and his wife)it has been a year since we have seen them.
Merry Christmas to all of you!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Salem Chapel Shower

Well we had another awesome shower with the ladies from Salem Chapel!It was so great to get together with the people who have provided us with so much support and love throughout this whole process.
A special Thank You to Megan for organizing and hosting the shower at her home and for the beautiful cake with "The Adoption Creed" on it!
A special Thank You to Allison for helping with the shower and some great games!
A special Thank You to Megan's mom for helping with the food!
My favorite was the rice krispie treats which Megan knows I love.
It was a great time.